Mothers of Enterprise

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How to Organise Your Life for SUCCESS

With FREE organisational mastery workbook!

Note from Suzy:

My life would cease to run if it wasn't for some serious organisation structures and routine in my life. It's how I run my home, create time to spend with my family, be a mum and entrepreneur. It's the foundation of everything for me.

I'd like to introduce you to Casey Hart. Casey is Goal Success Coach, Motivational Speaker and Life Coach. She's the genius creator of Organisational Mastery programme, which she's very generously sharing with you below. Enjoy ladies!

Being organised is one of the greatest feelings of accomplishment alongside achieving your goals that I think there is. It gives me a sense of clarity and control.

Being a mum and an entrepreneur that works from home, it's essential for me to be super organised to allow things to flow and for me to get the most out of my available time to work and ultimately achieve my goals.

I must admit that I am naturally an organised person and I love structure so being organised comes easily; however, that doesn’t mean that a person that isn’t naturally organised or structured can’t enjoy the benefits of having routine, plans and structure.

The reason I love this topic and why I feel it is so vitally important to reaching your goals is because for so long I kept telling myself that ‘I didn’t have enough time’ to work on my business.

Once I realised that I was really just procrastinating and making excuses, and that I really just had underlying reasons for avoiding business building, it all fell into place and I got myself sorted. Now don’t take that as a personal attack if that just struck a cord with you... maybe it struck a cord for a reason (said with massive amounts of love and in the hope that it might be a loving truth bomb).

So here’s exactly what I did to get 'Organised Success’ in my life that helped me blow up my business!

First, I sat down and wrote out a list of all the areas of my life I spent time in and then added up how much time I spent on each, and I was amazed to find my results.

It was time to face reality and step up... and boy am I glad that I did!

Second, I took that list and worked out what I could ‘Wholesale’ – Wholesaling is the term I use for doing things smarter not harder or in bulk or even better – give it to someone else to do!

Third, I decided that any successful business person I could think of would have had allocated time frames for carrying out certain tasks or achieving a particular goal and that was exactly what I was going to create for myself.

As if I had a PA who booked out my schedule.

I created a time slot for everything, so things like:

Social Media Networking

Writing and Creating content

Client Slots

Childrens needs – feeding, napping, sports, bedtime, homework

Me time!!

House Jobs

It all got slotted in somewhere!

I was able to create planners around everything that required my attention and I ended up with spare time! Do you know what that meant for me?


Secondly, it meant that my dream was reachable!

Then I got list smart.

Now lets WOAH up for a second before anyone throws up their hands and says – all the “EXPERTS” say that making ‘to do lists’ is a MAJOR no no!

I’m talking about smart lists.

Let’s think for a minute here about how much we hold in our head. (Madness sets in! LOL)

I just want to do a shout out right here; right now......Us women are freaks of nature! Seriously, we rock! We CAN do so much it’s amazing! Ok back to reality... ☺

What am I talking about -


Motherly to do things – birthday parties coming up, RSVPing, ballet concerts, enrolling in comps (my girls ride horses), kids need new pencils at school, return library books – I think you get the gist here!

I stuck note pads in appropriate places to assist me in keeping my BRAIN in an organised external state.

My grocery list was stuck to the fridge

My Motherly to do list in a notebook

My business daily goals list on each daily page of my diary

Jobs I’d like my husband to do – on the fridge

Business programs, ebooks, courses, etc. in a separate notebook

After I got these in place I realised I had to remember less but actually REMEMBERED MORE!

Then I took it one crazy step further.

I cleaned out my entire house!

I took a week off and started in one room, in one drawer or cupboard and didn’t stop till the whole house was done.

I know this might feel like a step in the wrong direction, but I can’t tell you how helpful this was.

I not only knew exactly where everything was. I had decluttered the entire house and had made room and space for my business nook which was MY SPACE, it’s an empowering, light and ready to work space.

It also gave me that ready to go feeling that didn’t leave me feeling like there was always something else that needed my attention or on my 'I really need to do but not important' list that didn’t serve anyone.

We donated a tonne, we threw out, we cleaned up and we rearranged. It was so freeing and empowering.

After I’d done all of this, I found myself with a business schedule. I had created time to fit everything and more into my life for my family and house, I had an amazingly organised home and organised work space so I can sit, build, create and dream!

All that was left was to be really strict and implement my new business schedule and home routine.

Which in all honesty once I knew what times and days ‘things’ needed to be done it was easy.

Sure there were days that didn’t always go to plan and some days I took off completely but I was able to catch up much easier than when I didn’t have a routine and allotted time to fit it in. I was finally NOT chasing my tail!

Get clear about where your attention is required and how much time you spend on ‘jobs’ so you can delegate either time or someone else to do it and get freed up.

Decide what structures you need in place to make your day, week and month flow to allow you to work on your dreams and not on your ‘jobs’.

Implement routine to achieve organised success.

If you are a mumpreneur then being organised will set you free. It can feel very overwhelming at first but once you get in the jive it makes life a dream!

As my gift to you I’m giving you my Organisational Mastery Workbook for FREE! It that has everything I just talked about in step by step – with my personal schedules, meal plans, lists and anything extra that I use to stay in this place of ‘Organised Mastery’!

Major love and high fives lovely ladies!

You are SO worth it and this journey is SO worth it!

C xx

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