Episode 12: Why we need to be talking about money if we want to earn more

Ah money. Should we talk about it? Should we discuss how much we earn? Does wanting more make you greedy or materialistic? If you set money goals in your business are you focussing on the wrong things? Should genuine heart-led entrepreneurs really care about money all that much? Is sharing your income an overused “bro marketing” tactic that needs to stop?

In this episode we’re diving into all those questions and so much more!!

Did you know that the way you think, talk, react and handle money dictates your income and will either unlock spectacular abundance both in life and business or totally halt and block it?

And it’s not limited to just YOUR money, the way you react to how other people experience money has a massive impact on your earnings too!

Join me as I break down why I think talking about money is SO vitally important, why I think triggering people around money is actually serving them (don’t worry I explain it all in the episode!) and how to help that wonderful subconscious of yours create positive connections towards money (this is especially vital if you feel a little crappy seeing yet another IG post about someone hitting 10K months!) to ensure your mindset is 100% onboard with your money goals.

If you’ve been struggling to make sales, or if money comes in and disappears even faster, or if you feel like you’re missing something when it comes to achieving the income you desire - this episode is for you!

Also, don’t forget to sign up for my brand new workshop Growth by Design!

When it comes to scaling and growing your business, if you’re ready to banish questions and fears of “but how?” and “I’m too busy already” and design a road map to grow your business with ease, joy and results as your top intentions – then this FREE workshop it for you!

Sign up for the FREE 3-day workshop Growth by Design:


Make sure you Listen + subscribe to the podcast on iTunes // Spotify

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Learn more about Suzy here:

Our Coaching & Coffee sessions happen every Monday at 10am in our beloved Mothers of Enterprise Society.

If you've got a topic that you'd like me to cover in future Coaching & Coffee sessions, get in touch and let me know!

As always, wishing you all the success & happiness that life has to offer,

Suzy XO


Episode 13: How to navigate the business coaching industry to make the best investment of your money


Episode 11: How to make more money in your business today