Episode 9: 7 Productivity Hacks to Create More Freedom in Your Life

Productivity, time management, getting more done, doing it all, conquering to do lists - all very loaded and debated topics when it comes to the wonderful journey of combining motherhood and building a business.

I truly believe productivity is the pathway to designing your ultimate life and business, and experiencing the journey in an amazing way instead of carrying around the overwhelm badge of honour that’s really doing nothing for you or your business.

It’s about doing the right things, at the right time, for the right reasons, and when we do that we actually free up our time for other indulgences that fill up our cups, and allow us to show up in the best way for ourselves, families and businesses.

After 15 years as an entrepreneur, with the last 9 spent as a mama and over 10 as a military spouse, I’ve experienced all kinds of seasons of life that I’ve had to adapt to while managing and growing businesses.

Each season has needed a different approach to productivity which is why I’ll never teach a one size fits all approach when it comes to getting things done as a mama and business owner.

What I can offer is a menu of options that you can tweak and get creative with to find a productivity and time management method that actually works FOR you.

So listen in closely to this episode ladies, because when you finally find the belief and strategy for raising a business and family in a way that diminishes the overwhelm an mental load - you’ll instantly realise how much your current habits have been holding you back and just how much exciting growth and opportunity is waiting for you!

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Our Coaching & Coffee sessions happen every Monday at 10am in our beloved Mothers of Enterprise Society.

If you've got a topic that you'd like me to cover in future Coaching & Coffee sessions, get in touch and let me know!

As always, wishing you all the success & happiness that life has to offer,

Suzy XO


Episode 10: 5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting in Business


Episode 8: The Mindset Behind Earning More